Sunday, June 8, 2008


tonight i went swimming outside in the inlet for the first time this year. after a hot day, the water was blessedly cold when i slipped into it at sunset. the skyline was striped with dogwood pink and fading tangerine, beneath an oncoming cloak of bruised darkness. at first, it was so cold i gasped, but after dunking my head completely, all i felt was a glorious cold that settled into every vein, every cell. i've always been a good swimmer, so i reached and stroked and swam against the heft of the water easily. wow... it felt wonderful. for about a half an hour, i lolled and floated and kicked and splashed... feeling wealthier than i've felt in a long time. my house, just yards away up the hill. cars rolling over the bridge within sight. after dark, i went in, showered, then put in my copy of nicolas roeg's 'walkabout' to take a still frame of miss jenny agutter in her lyric gorgeous swim sequence. i felt like she feels, and its hard for me to be in the water without hearing the john barry score in my head. so tranquil.

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