Tuesday, August 11, 2009

sexy sally

okay, its starting to storm outside. groovy. and what's groovier than a tropical summer storm? hey, how about a gorgeous emerald shot of miss liza minelli, at her absolute peak. obviously, this is during the filming of fosse's 'cabaret.' i was lucky enough to get my hands on this shot once before, but it was too small for me to really have fun with. so, a few nights ago, i was lucky enough to land this sizeable piece of 'picksh fish.' she was just perfect back then, wasn't she? what a magnificent triumph of costume, makeup, actor, and character. when i was like, nine years old, the way she looked in that movie, made as big an impact on me as the movie itself. i mean... green nail polish??? that blew my little mind! as did the eyelashes, and the pointed cut of her jet-black bangs. i knew even then that i sympathized with sally's character. and i was also cautioned by it... by her portrayal, and the brilliant lyrics; most notably perhaps, "...the day she died the neighbors came to snicker; well, that's what comes from too much pills and liquor." my father even made a point of stressing that for me. i remember once, a long time ago, i was riding in the backseat of his car, during a visit in florida. the 'cabaret' theme song was playing on his stereo tape deck... and, when liza sang that line, he turned slightly, towards the backseat, and waggled his finger in our direction, warningly, at us both, as he sang along with the tape. i'll never forget that. its seems rather tragic-comic now, but that may have been the best advice... perhaps indeed, the ONLY advice, he ever gave us. (click to enlarge)

Monday, August 10, 2009

cool plunge!

jean-lucien sent me this vintage album cover a little while ago. i thought it was pretty groovy, and had kind of a summer feeling to it. and hey, lucynell... i know you like all that retro-glam stuff, so i thought you'd like to take a peek, too. i've never heard this record, but i know who nelson riddle is, so i expect its pretty mild and easy on the ears. but I'M more concerned with what's 'easy on the eyes,' ...this floating chick is what i mean. i love the colors jean-luc was able to coax out of it. what's the title again? 'sea of dreams?' I'LL say... like, those dreams that are the opposite of drrryy...?? (shot of me winking real big.) i love that the girl looks happy. i always like my cheesecake dollies to look like they're having a good time. as opposed to that 'aggressive porno' face that a lot of Penthouse Pets were pulling around 1980. YOU know the face, the face of a tanned girl in a banana yellow bikini next to an aqua pool, all oiled up, pulling her bottoms down and her top aside, her slutty red lipstick-greased lips pouting, and her eyes like evil slits, seeming to say, '...you want some fuckin' nudity? then hey, buster! you'll GET some fucking nudity!! now, get horny for me before i rip your scrote off with my inch-long fingernails...!!" you've seen those chicks, i'm sure. i always preferred the chicks that looked like they had NO plans to rip my scrote off. (mmm, the scrote i don't have, what with me being a chick myself and all.) (?)

poetry corner

here's a quick poem about the heat. i'm gonna make it up on the spot, so don't expect emily dickinson.

its hot. damn... it totally sucks.
so i'm gonna spend some 'bitching bucks.'
i've been saving them up for a day like today,
now i'm gonna have my '...its too hot !!! ' say.
all day long sweat dripped down my back,
went out for a cig, and the sun baked my rack!
you know what I'm sayin,' all of you ladies,
(its like i) went to feed the cat, hey, my cat lives in Hades!
didn't wanna move, like an egg in mid-sizzle,
too hot ta 'do the nasty?' straight up 'fo' shizzle...!'
man, it was 'hardcore,' like when Pacino played that mobster,
i was dressed like a rock star, but i felt like a lobster.
-(shot of cartoon lobster claws going 'pinch-pinch)-
the mercury rises, damn its such a bummer,
wishing the temps were as cool as joe strummer.
when its 'hot in the city' you can smell all the trash,
why, why, why can't it be as 'cool' as the clash?
they were the coolest, with their combat rock,
its steamier, creamier, than jeff stryker's -BLEEP-

that's it, kids... that's it!!


okay, this is just for fun... like 'comic strip,' of sorts. i found the picture, then i found myself 'captioning' it. hey, i have great respect for liza. she's a firecracker. but the whole studio 54 thing, i find it all very fascinating. like, if you wanted to get a picture of two people who'd never under any circumstances be in a photograph together, then all you had to do was get them inside of studio 54, and -snap!- you've got your photo. like, for instance... do you want a photo of Divine and Tatum O'Neal...? no problem, just get them inside that club. what's that you say? you want a candid pic of Normal Mailer, Liz Taylor, Jacques Cousteu, and an anonymous 'almost-nude-dude?' just get them inside those doors. so hey, here's my little '54'-fied comic strip.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

1980's video boxes!

yeah, who can forget all those hours in the 80's, spent browsing all the dusty shelves of various video stores. and hey, i'm NOT talking about Blockbuster. i'm talking about all those local, independently owned video outlets... like High Point Mall's 'Candid Camera'... and the unforgettable 'Club Vid' accross that came around in the mid to late 80's. and 'Action Video,' which was slightly more well-known through the Carolina area. there was also that one place... the one out past the roll-a-rink, the one that had the popcorn machine, and the irresistible '5 for 5' deal. was it like, 'VideoAdventures?' man, i can't remember. and when we lived in Georgia, there was something called 'Turtle Video,' I think. and in the 'realms of my own mind,' there's the ever popular (albiet fictional) 'Wildcat Video.' ...and what was the one near the Kroger? was that an Action Video also? anyway, it was always my opinion that the more independently owned a place was, the more unusual and varied the coverboxes were bound to be. Beta, VHS... i must've read a thousand and one 'backs' of clamshells and sleeves. here's just one i remember. i can feel it in my hands... christ, i can almost smell it. dig it.