Tuesday, August 11, 2009

sexy sally

okay, its starting to storm outside. groovy. and what's groovier than a tropical summer storm? hey, how about a gorgeous emerald shot of miss liza minelli, at her absolute peak. obviously, this is during the filming of fosse's 'cabaret.' i was lucky enough to get my hands on this shot once before, but it was too small for me to really have fun with. so, a few nights ago, i was lucky enough to land this sizeable piece of 'picksh fish.' she was just perfect back then, wasn't she? what a magnificent triumph of costume, makeup, actor, and character. when i was like, nine years old, the way she looked in that movie, made as big an impact on me as the movie itself. i mean... green nail polish??? that blew my little mind! as did the eyelashes, and the pointed cut of her jet-black bangs. i knew even then that i sympathized with sally's character. and i was also cautioned by it... by her portrayal, and the brilliant lyrics; most notably perhaps, "...the day she died the neighbors came to snicker; well, that's what comes from too much pills and liquor." my father even made a point of stressing that for me. i remember once, a long time ago, i was riding in the backseat of his car, during a visit in florida. the 'cabaret' theme song was playing on his stereo tape deck... and, when liza sang that line, he turned slightly, towards the backseat, and waggled his finger in our direction, warningly, at us both, as he sang along with the tape. i'll never forget that. its seems rather tragic-comic now, but that may have been the best advice... perhaps indeed, the ONLY advice, he ever gave us. (click to enlarge)

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