Friday, October 16, 2009

the golden age of cover art

i just want to say, right up front, that i'm not one of those staunch lp purists that bitches and moans all the time about how micro-available music has all but done away with the traditional 12" square album cover art, and the sometimes-extensive liner notes that often went along with it. ( them. it?) no, i understand technology, and the 'way things work' in the business. so, all that said, there are some albums covers i consider iconic and beautiful. i don't insist, however, that the iconic beautifulness has to be 12" squared. for instance, i've always loved this groovy, glassy, inventive, and 'sorta mysterious' album cover from the tech-savvy thomas dolby. (and, to those who may be curious, that IS his real name... as far as i know... sorta. i think i remember hearing in an interview back in the 80's that his real full name was: thomas morgan dolby robertson.) so, we've established the cover is groovy enough... but i also want it noted that the songs on this record are some of THE coolest i ever heard... in the 80's, or otherwise. let's see, we've got the cool and soaring blue sounds of 'airwaves,' the funky-yet-romantic storyline of 'europa and the pirate twins,' the eclectic and jazzy goings-on in 'commercial breakup,' and the throughly original and sexy grindings of 'windpower.' and so many more. like the sometimes-lost-depending-on-which-pressing-you-have lovlieness of 'wreck of the fairchild.' seriously, this is electronic pop at its finest. it is an album i would be lonely for if i was ever without it. dig it.

playing secretary

yes, the sweet, sweet pages of 'playboy.' i happen to be quite well-read when it comes to vintage issues of the magazine. (from say, 1070 to 1984) this cover stands out to me because it was one of the first ones i remember reading. i think i was about nine when i snagged this issue from my father's collection. i loved garters and stockings as much then as i do now. not to mention the white laciness showcasing her hot rear... and those strappy high-heeled shoes...? sex-ee! i like the little 'feature blurbs' on the cover of this one. in particular, the one that says, " the bee gees got to be so big." ummm, let me guess, you turn to page 117 and it simply says, "...'cause they sound real good." end of story. and i also like that one about " men NEED to cheat on their women? a new science says YES!" mmm, somehow i think this article was 'accidentally' left out, open, for many a wife to happen upon and read. and finally, as many of you probably know, almost every 'playboy' cover had a little 'bunny' artfully concealed somewhere on the cover. and i realize its difficult to see after i shocked up the contrast, but the 'bunny' on this cover was actually represented by the 'two-eared' shape of the ivory ribbon on the lady's garter stud. dig it, the sexiness. (click to enlarge)

georgina hale

ahhhh, god. i am so in love with this chick. its hard for me to remember the first time i ever saw georgina hale. i'm sure it was in a ken russell movie, but its hard for me to say which one. this is a picture of her i found a long time ago, when she was obviously quite young... her hair a bit darker than the angelic platinum blonde she's usually known for. wow... she's beautiful. anyone who's followed 'planetcool' for any length of time knows how madly in love with her i am. she's quite well-known in England, even to this day, for her work on screen, stage, and television. her voice is a glinting mix of velvety lows and childlike, sometimes piercing highs. her face, when she acts, is expressive and brave... unafraid to scowl, knit her brow, and look 'ugly,' if the scene requires it. what a darling. ahhhh, georgina. i wonder her middle name is? if she has one. i think her largest role in a ken russell movie has to be her role in 'mahler,' as alma, mahler's wife. so, i guess what i'm trying to say, if you're curious as to why i'm so crazy about her, your best bet for a 'big taste' of her goods would be 'mahler.' that, or 'the devils,' where she steals every scene she appears in. only, her hair isn't blonde in 'the devils,' but that doesn't mean she's any less frickin' spellbinding. ohhh, my darling georgina... if only i had a way to tell you how much i adore you. hey, maybe one day she'll get bored wherever she is, and someone might just tip her off to a groovy blog... a blog called 'planetcool.'

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

sweeet skulls!

hey, you know i love the halloween season. partly, because skeleton-guys are so cool, and this time of year, they're everywhere! i found this pic a few nights ago. and i can only imagine its for some kind of candy, something called 'sweet skulls.' now, i'm not familiar with this particualr candy first-hand... like, i don't think i've ever eaten a 'sweet skull.' and i don't know what they look like. (although, i can guess they probably sorta look like skulls.) here, we have the main, menacing skull guy, in blood red robes, coming after me with his bony hands. but if you ask me, his magnificence is effectively upstaged by that white-style skeleton dude on the right. he seems to be eager for a taste, as he crawls up from a headstone, skeletal-smile intact. i think he should have a speech balloon that shows he's saying something like, "...hey, save some for me!" or "...its a taste to DIE FOR!!" or even cornier, "...make no bones about it, they're delicious!" so hey, 'dig' it, no pun intended.