Friday, October 16, 2009

the golden age of cover art

i just want to say, right up front, that i'm not one of those staunch lp purists that bitches and moans all the time about how micro-available music has all but done away with the traditional 12" square album cover art, and the sometimes-extensive liner notes that often went along with it. ( them. it?) no, i understand technology, and the 'way things work' in the business. so, all that said, there are some albums covers i consider iconic and beautiful. i don't insist, however, that the iconic beautifulness has to be 12" squared. for instance, i've always loved this groovy, glassy, inventive, and 'sorta mysterious' album cover from the tech-savvy thomas dolby. (and, to those who may be curious, that IS his real name... as far as i know... sorta. i think i remember hearing in an interview back in the 80's that his real full name was: thomas morgan dolby robertson.) so, we've established the cover is groovy enough... but i also want it noted that the songs on this record are some of THE coolest i ever heard... in the 80's, or otherwise. let's see, we've got the cool and soaring blue sounds of 'airwaves,' the funky-yet-romantic storyline of 'europa and the pirate twins,' the eclectic and jazzy goings-on in 'commercial breakup,' and the throughly original and sexy grindings of 'windpower.' and so many more. like the sometimes-lost-depending-on-which-pressing-you-have lovlieness of 'wreck of the fairchild.' seriously, this is electronic pop at its finest. it is an album i would be lonely for if i was ever without it. dig it.

1 comment:

jean-lucien said...

yes, yes, its all soooo smooth, as usual, i couldnt have said it better myself. but then, you ARE the one with the writing talent.
(but im not gonna get all jealous for-real about it) so you have the knack and i dont so much have the knack, im not gonna go "nursing a spite over it". i mean, heck, i have some good points. (lights cig)
i mean, so what? i deal with it. (SIGH!!!) anyway, i agree, its one of the flat out best album covers of the 80's.