Tuesday, July 29, 2008

untold greta

yes, i've been re-digging on greta garbo these days. i've always loved her. i found this magazine cover and had to snag it. i love the way her face takes up the entire page, and i like the orange lettering. umm, i don't have too much else to say about it, except that its lovely. dig it. and love to all of you, lovers... who were patient when i wasn't posting anytime. i love you.

baby joe

sometime in the last week or two i had a wild, hard, violent fling with joe strummer, the late great frontman of the clash. for about six nights we couldn't keep our hands off eachother. i dug up every song and film clip i could find. i was just entranced by his cool rebellious ways and intelligent brutality. i discovered he really had a beautiful face... its almost always contorted in guttural song, but i still saw past the surface beast and recognized there was beauty there. even with the pale skin, even with the bad teeth, something about him was...is, lovely. god bless you joe.

groovy 72

yes, more notebook art from the endless pages of jean-lucien. this one was from a long time ago, but it still holds up in the 'groovy' category. from left to right we have: the lusty handsome morrissey, the spunky and vivacious julie newmar, and in between them, a tiny spot of ronan vibert. i love the cool colors in this one. click to enlarge.

sexy helen

ahhh, yes. the gorgeous miss helen mirren. i'm not sure how old she was when this shot was taken. i mean, wow. what can you say about helen? she's not only one of the sexiest women in the world, but also one of the most talented. i honestly don't think i've ever seen a bad picture of her. i hereby admit freely that she has an open invitation to the official planetcool bisexual all-girl slumber party and pillow fight. i've recently found her in some bbc thing called 'soft targets' with the staggeringly sexy ian holm. on you tube. (as of this posting, on july 29th, 08, its still there if you want to take a look at it.) she's one of those actresses who almost certainly outshines any other actress she stars with. i could just...wow. sigh.


i wanted to post more than one thing tonight. a few nights ago a friend of mine asked me to find-and-trick some bohemian pictures for her to use in something she's doing online... sort of a cyber-interior decorating gig. she gave me a general idea of the time and style she was looking for. lucky for me, it was right up my street, as it were. here's a classic cover to 'life' magazine. i think i've seen it all my life, in various places... including on the wall of jack and janet and chrissy's late 70's apartment on the guilty-pleasure tv show 'three's company.' i tried to bring out the red shades in my tricking, to make it a little more dramatic. i'm pleased with it. its a great magazine cover. i wonder who the artist was? it just occurred to me i don't know.

darling greta

sorry i haven't posted in a while... i don't know what my problem is. it is the middle of summer, after all, and anyone who knows me, knows that i sort of wilt and fade and withdraw during the florid months. my inspiration level plummets. but i didn't want it to seem as though i've given up on this fanciful endeavor. umm, so here's a lovely, haunting shot of a very young greta garbo i found and tricked a few days ago.

i've been watching her in 'camille' quite a bit recently. there really is no one like her. so dig on her.

i'm pretty sure this was taken around the time she filmed the silent classic 'the saga of gosta berling.'