Saturday, October 4, 2008

happy birthday susan

yeah, i just noticed that today is susan sarandon's 62nd birthday. so, since i dig her, i thought i'd post a little tribute. i do think she's beautiful, and i do think she can act. and man, she's really stuck in there, hollywood-wise, and established herself as a movie star in the classic sense. i can't remember the first time i noticed her. it must've been like, the first time 'pretty baby' was run on HBO, because i know i watched that. even though i was like, nine years old or something, our mother let us watch everything. (and i thank her for it.) and of course she was hotly prominent in my full-throttle 'rocky horror picture show' days and nights. and i dug her nude-and-lesbo-curious ways in 'the hunger,' and nude-and-hetero-wanton ways in 'bull durham,' and her semi-nude-pg-13-ways in that marvelous turkey, 'the witches of eastwick.' and let's not forget her never-nude-gun-shooting-girl-power-ways in 'themla and louise.' yeah, i can't help it, i love 'the suze.' happy birthday susan, and thanks for all those cool and groovy 'greensboro-high point-winston-salem-augusta-georgia' movie nites!

caroline munroe

hey, you might not think you know her, but you do. she's the english cult movie actress caroline munroe. i don't think i've seen any of her movies, apart from the hilarious and very much 'worth a look' christopher lee vehicle 'dracula, a.d. 1972.' yes, most of us know her as the buttoned-up female reporter in the classic adam ant video 'goody two shoes.' she's the one who ends up like, stereotypically 'letting her hair down' and gets slutty all because of the pirate-styled charms of mr. ant. and here, she seems to be hawking some rum. do you think she's got enough eyeliner on? and really, who pours a drink that way? with like, their arm at a 90 degree angle, without looking down at what she's doing? hey bitch, you might spill it. man, i'm sleepy. this might be the only thing i post tonight. so dig it.

a little valmont

yeah, my energy seems to have like, split on me. i was all set to really post a bunch of crap, but i just don't have the steam. so i dug kind of deep in my files and found this cool screen capture of john malkovich as valmont. man, its too bad he can't go around dressed like that, like 24-7. so sexy. i don't even have anything clever or witty to say about it. but i figured i couldn't go wrong. so dig him, and hopefully i'll have more for you tomorrow night. i love you all.

Friday, October 3, 2008

duran duran - secret oktober : audio-video

here's one of the more splendid and acclaimed duran duran b-sides. its called 'secret oktober,' and i had it on a vinyl b-side. simon sounds florid and hot and the beat is easy and dark. this is a great transfer, audio-wise. and it is, after all, october. i love you all.

sea green playmate

so, my inclusion of undressed females seems to be rather popular so far. in that case, i don't feel too appre- hensive about posting this sudsy, lovely darling from the mid-70's pages of playboy. i have to confess, i don't know her name. but i think she's curvy and cool and presumably 100% real. what a great shape she has, and what a comely pretty face. i love the sleek shine on her long hair. i love the peek of an old-fashioned quilt on the bed beneath her body. i like the sunlight through the window, suggesting a 'daytime' tumble. she's beautiful. whoever and wherever you are, honey... thanks for having the nerve to take your clothes off, so young girls like me would have some concept of aphrodite and the glory of the female form. very sweet. (and as i've often said before, please don't flag me... they're only 'human boobs.')

soldier jane

yeah, i looove jane fonda. i love her sweet sexy looks, i love her 'power to the people' political dealings. i wasn't too big on her when she 'went fitness,' ( ala 'body fusion') but i loved her as the original electric barbarella, i loved her hooking it up in 'klute,' and i loved her playing it 'calm' in '9 to 5.' she's truly great-looking. just for your information, she made this amazingly cheesy movie in 1962 called 'the chapman report' which was a not-so-thinly-veiled picture about the kinsey report. (it also starred shelley winters, henry daniell, and cloris leachman, if you can imagine.) jane plays a painfully frigid housewife who seeks therapy to find out why she can't have an orgasm. and she smokes a lot and wears amazing hats whilst spilling her 'frigid housewife' guts to her therapist. i've only seen it once, but i'd love to see it again. i remember it as a super-entertaining cheese-fest. but she looked great in it... very young and pretty. rock on, soldier jane. i dig you the most. (and did you see her in 'they shoot horses, don't they?' man, what a hard movie that was.)

mort drucker encore

i posted this one a long time ago, like in march... but since it was buried so deep in the archives, i wanted to post it again. again, in a shameless play for lucynell's attention. i wanted to make sure she sees it. it's a late 1970's ad from 'seventeen' magazine for pursettes tampons. and i'm too young to remember pursettes ever being on the shelves. but i love the ad. most of you will certainly recognize the work of the great mort drucker, who drew most of the movie parodies for MAD magazine. if i was going to run down all the aspects of the ad i find hilarious, i'd just end up quoting the whole thing, so here it is. if you 'click to enlarge' you should be able to read all the copy. the main girl, (the one with the tampon problem) has an ali mcgraw thing going on. its great. so dig it. (oh, and just a last note... you can see in the third frame the girl with the ponytails mentions that the 'pons are 'pre-lubricated.' with what? i mean, that must not've proved to be a hit with the american chicks, because i've never heard of a 'pon being pre-lubricated since.)

fab vote

okay folks... here's the question: one photograph, four beatles, one winner. in other words, according to you, which liverpudlian lovely wins the 'hotness' contest? judging on this photo alone, who do you think is the dreamiest and creamiest? normally, i cast my vote for george almost like, by default, on account of he's my overwhelming favorite like, 99% of the time. but in this shot, since george is doing something weird with his mouth, i think i'm gonna have to give it to john, john, mr. johnnity-john winston lennon. he's very cute when he smiles like that. and he seems to be having a great time, too. he can't wait to get his hands on some cool american cigarettes, some sweet dollars, and his choice of some 'barely-legal' screaming and hysterical yankee panties. paul and richard don't look so bad either. i hate to say it, but now that i really take a good look, my sweet george comes in a close 4th. sorry george, you know i love you the most. (click to enlarge)

paperback smut

i love paperback book covers. my mates and i know those bygone joys of prowling through the wild stacks at the second-hand run-down smut establishment, 'atlas book exchange.' and thanks to this wild machine, thousands upon thousands of book covers can be had for the diving. i love this one. i love the colors, and the artwork is actually quite good. and the chick is cleavage-sexy in her black bustier. and the copy on the front is hilarious. since the print is faint and small, i'll quote it here. it says: '...the doctor knew all about women and he solved their sex problems in a most unique manner. his beautiful receptionist also had a problem - Lesbianism.' mmm, i don't know too many lesbians who would see that as much of a problem. i can just see k. d. lang on the couch now. kd: "...i don't know what's wrong with me, doctor... i just keep diving into chick-flesh. you've got to help me...!" yeah, i think most of them are pretty cool with it. and i think its funny because the whole thing seems to suggest that he's planning on screwing her, and then she'll like, 'snap out of it,' her desire for late 60's lady-action. like, only a 'real man' can turn her around. hilarious.

morrissey in profile

i really should post more shots of my darling morrissey. here's a screen capture i took from my 'who put the m in manchester?' dvd. it was originally in color, but i thought it was more striking in black and white. what a face. what a difference a little bit of age makes. so handsome. in this shot, i think he's singing the amazing, dreamy slow song, 'i'm not sorry.' its a great song. i might post it if i can find this exact version. i don't really have too much to say about this one. he just looks great, and that's more or less the reason it made the cut. so sexy.
(click to enlarge)

upskirt art

i hope jean-lucien doesn't mind my posting this. it was a great, groovy notebook illustration he sent me a long time ago. it shows his keen eye for balance, color, and style. the original was probably no larger than a pack of gum. i love the colors. and the image in the middle is a screen capture of georgina hale as mrs. alma mahler from the ken russell film 'mahler.' its a fantasy sequence depicting gustav mahler's death, funeral, and subsequent cremation. she dances a saucy can-can on top of his casket. then she strips down to lacy panties and dances seductively amidst a group of soliders with a groovy fan of purple feathers. its really something. especially if you like either ken russell or georgina hale. great work, jean-luc.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

jack and 'jelica

okay, i know i've posted a lot of 'celebrity' picksh lately; not to mention a goodly share of anjelica huston picksh, but i figured one more couldn't hurt. i think this one might also be a 'studio 54' shot. but i think its quite good. i mean, jack looks good, and anjelica looks gorgeous. i like the angle, i like the contrast, i like the flower in her hair. i don't really know too much about their relationship like, factually... but in this shot, it sure looks like they're into eachother. i don't know if they ever had a child. but wow, they sure look good together. man, i don't know if i'll ever go 'clubbing' again. even if i had the opportunity, i don't know if i could manage the energy. plus, you have to shout all the time, and worry about 'where the hell is my purse?' and i don't like that feeling that can best be described as, '...i danced too hard to that last song, and now i honestly can't tell if i'm three seconds away from dropping the vom-bomb.' and i don't really like not having zero control over the music. and it gets hot in there, man. and i can truthfully claim that i've never had sex in a club. but considering my behavior through much of the '90's, that's purely accidental. (click to enlarge)

novel reading

ummm, i'm sure i'm going to wake up tomorrow and wonder why i posted this. i think i'm still on a salt-grease-sugar rush from the Wendy's i had for dinner. (several hours ago) i came accross this whilst pearldiving and i thought it might be worth a laugh. first of all, the title more or less lets you know what kind of book you're in for. and the photo is hilarious. do you think that chick on the right could move her hand just a little closer to that dude's jock? i dunno, when i look at this cover, the 'three's company' theme starts involuntarily playing in my brain. ( '...come and knock on our door...take a step that is new...' ) the one on the left looks like karen allen. and the guy looks like every other 'macho' turkey from the great, glittery decade. my mother was a stewardess, by the way, in the late 60's. but i don't remember her ever telling me about any kind of 'mile high' goings-on. and she looked a lot cuter in her uniform than these two chicks do. my mom was the prettiest in her class. (fly on, pretty mommy. i love you.)

rupert james hector everett

oh, rupert. if you only liked girls. (mmm, like that would improve my chances... like that would improve my 'shot' at him.) i can count the times i fell in love at first sight on one hand. and rupert everett was one of them. it was late '84 or early '85. i remember i was flipping channels one saturday afternoon, and by chance, i landed on cinemax in time to see him in close-up, near the beginning of the 1984 film 'another country.' you have to understand, i was heavily, heavily into english pretty boys at the time. i remember i felt something touch my heart, literally. and i couldn't wait to know his name, and figure out where england had been hiding him. i thought he was 'cute enough to be in duran duran.' then, as he moved and spoke, i discovered his gently whimpering elegant voice... his lean and becomingly clumsy manner. i was so in love. i remember even hunting all the stores in town for completely-round, wire-framed, dark sunglasses like the ones he wore in the 'cricket game' sequence of the film. it wasn't just that i wanted to have him; was more like i wanted to be him. i wanted to live in his body and like, become him. (man, how's that for teenage-maladjusted-indentity-crisis-hormones completely out of control?) yeah, it all seems funny now. i think it was as simple as this: i didn't seem to be having much luck chasing happiness as a poor, awkward, heterosexual, teenage american girl; so i figured i'd have a better chance at happiness as a priviledged, graceful, homosexual, full-grown, young englishman. man, i'm sooo glad i'm thirteen anymore. i don't remember where i found this picture of rupert, but obviously he's around 14 or 15 years old. and beautiful.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

hot john

man, what a day. i'm wiped out, even though i didn't really do anything. i can't explain it, but i'm exhausted. and then my cat took off for three hours and scared me to death. she finally came back, though. i wanted to give her a piece of my mind, but she really didn't do anything wrong... just cat stuff. (cut to a shot of my cat 'milkyboots' at the foxwood's casino, playing slots with a cig hanging out of her mouth.) and so, i might not get much posted. so i figured nobody would complain if i slid you guys a cool shot of duran duran's john taylor onstage in 1984. i took this freeze frame from the 'sing blue silver' documentary. i don't really have anything witty or cool to say about it, so just consider it a place-marker with frosted bangs.

marianne faithfull - hier ou demain : video

i love this track. its heavy, its creamy, its groovy, its in french! dig it. truthfully, the low piano notes make up one of the coolest 'hooks' i've heard in years. i find myself playing this one in my head when i'm shampooing my hair. honestly, i do. (seriously, if you've got to unload the dishwasher or feed the cat or something, just leave this on in the background. it peacefully grooves.)


wow, i just skinned the hell out of the tip of my big toe letting my cat back in to the cabin. she's crazy, and now i have a bleeding toe. but anyway, here's a shot i found of miss ann-margret all painted up and doing the town in some late 60's movie i don't know the title of. and i'm not willing to do any digging to find out right now. hey, all-guys-under-30... this is what a real female body looks like. if you don't like it, educate yourself. she's allll real. anyway, is there anything that says 'late 60's' more effectively than 'psychedelic body paint?' she looks very pretty... but what's with that hooded dude in the background with some arbitrary zig-zag on his abs? and check out the guy in the lower left... i think he knows this is the ultimate high point of his entire existence on earth. i'll bet like, wherever that guy is today, he sits around at thanksgiving dinner and utters the phrase, '...hey, did i ever tell you about the time i was in that movie where they body-painted ann-margret in that yellow bikini? boy, did i have a great view of her can, or what...??'

shameless play

yes, another shameless play for lucynell's attention. she liked the other stuart copeland pics i posted, so i thought i'd slide her one more. its from the same photo session as one of the others. what is he resting up against? some kind of like, musk ox pelt or something? and then there's that persian or central american platter and pitcher thing on stand-by. and i could be wrong, but that cigarette looks 'hand-rolled' if you know what i mean. and if his hair was any more bleached he'd be mae west. yeah, i know that was their 'thing.' and lucy, maybe you can give me a definitive answer on this one, because none of the dudes i asked seems to know. was he english or american? he doesn't seem to have much of an accent. but i've had people tell me he's like, from sussex or something. and others have told me he was born in LA. so maybe you can clear that up for us. and i hope you like the shot. he kind of reminds me of my cousin eric in the face. (and hey, eric, if you're out there, drop me a line. you know who i am.)

playboy in pink

yes, anytime is the right time for some vintage playboy. i don't remember if jean-lucien and i ever had this issue. if we did, i don't think it had the cover on it. but i love it. as i'm sure all of you know, about 99.9% of playboy magazine covers had a bunny head depicted either obviously or hidden somewhere in the photograph. well, hopefully you won't have to look too hard to see the rabbit is seen in the shape of the pillow she's holding. man, what a great-looking comfortable bed she's posing on. hey baby, move over and make some room. (okay, that sounded a bit more lesbo that i meant it to.) she's pretty hot, though. although she looks slightly pissed off. i know how she feels. i'm not a morning person either. i wouldn't be too thrilled if someone came into my bedroom, and jerked open all the windows to flood the place with light. i'd be all like, '...hugh, get the hell out of here...i'm sleeping.' (man, what the hell am i talking about?) anyway, enjoy the chick. this picture is like cake frosting.

more 54

i love this shot. it looks like it was just taken a few moments after another studio 54 shot i posted recently. let's see... it looks like we've got the designer halston on the far right, getting a completely anonymous and risky liplock from some disco 'shim' leaning down into the shot. i wonder if he's gonna remember that in the morning? and then, we've got the exotic miss bianca jagger with only two thoughts going through her mind. the first thought: '...damn, where can i get some more coke?' and the very next thought: ' hair!!' then we've got the facially-challenged artistic ...genius? andy warhol, with a rare smile on his face. perhaps he just realized he could xerox and color-tint his parking valet ticket stub and sell it for a zillion bucks. and in the background is the chronically-happy miss liza minelli with some bearded dude i don't recognize. hey, it looks like an average night for the folks at the good ol' Studio 54. (and i like that heavily-made up, androgynous, robot-like profile intruding from the bottom right hand corner. i wonder where that dude is today?) (...mmm, 'starbucks' general manager.)

70's anjelica

yeah, the last time i featured anjelica it was a hit. so i figured i'd give her another slot. this was for some make-up ad back in 1973. she looks gorgeous. i'm a sucker for a 70's-styled make-up job. and she's so lovely. i think i remember reading someplace that she had a hard time getting into pictures at the beginning of a career because some studio exec said she had a face like a gnu. ouch. i guess somebody failed to mention her daddy was the big bad movie giant, director john huston. i don't think she looks like a gnu at all. i think she's gorgeous. and wow, what a make-up job, am i right ladies? just stunning. and have you seen her in woody allen's 'crimes and misdemeanors?' she kills in that movie.

a pair of freaks

yeah, that might be a bit cold. you will no doubt recognize these two young lovers. yes, that's mr. mickety-mick jagger in the dress on the right, and the statuesque miss jerry 'hey ya'll' hall in the suit on the right. i don't know why i'm posting this. probably just the freak factor. i mean, i have nothing against either one of them. i actually think jerry looks great. but mick, well... mick looks old and tired and used-up enough to be mistaken for... well, keith richards, actually. still, this shot looks like they have a pretty fun time together. are they still together? or is jerry banging some other english rocker i haven't heard about? anyway, i'm all about clothes swapping and a little gender bending. but man, look at those lines in jagger's face. its like a road map of the back roads in asheboro, north carolina.

Monday, September 29, 2008


jean-lucien, lucynell, and myself all grew up in the same small town with the same public library. and thank christ it was a good one. jean-lucien and i didn't know lucynell until we accidentally met in high school many years later. but if i had any money, i'd bet she checked out a lot of the same books from that same library. i have no doubt she remembers the way it looked before they moved and renovated it. i can still walk the children's section in my sleep. and then there was entire world down those steep stairs. all the non-fiction. all the fiction. all the 'young adult' novelettes... all the 'grown-up' books. i cannot even begin to estimate all the hours i killed in that place. i even remember details... like the smell of the disrepaired public ladies' room, and the fact that the air conditioning units would become wet with condesation in the summertime. i remember the beanbag chairs in the children's section. i remember the sound the device made... (i think it was some sort of camera) when they checked out my parent's thick books upstairs. a sound not unlike a polaroid. the women behind the counter would quickly shove a book under there... then a flash of light, that sound, then off to the left, for the ride home. i never in my wildest dreams would've thought i'd work at that library... with many of those same books, in a different and more modern house. i've never loved a job the way i loved that one. but i left it standing at the altar. to this day, i don't know what i was thinking. i could've run that ship.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

o-ren ishii

yes, both volumes of 'kill bill' were on today, as i've stated below. i'd seen it before, but wow... i was once again blown away by the chicks in that flick. like the lovely and lethal lucy liu as o-ren ishii. if my brother and i are like any of the villians in that film, then i identify with elle driver, (as you can read below) and i see jean-lucien reflected rather keenly in the guise of o-ren ishii. o-ren is ordered, sure, and ready. with clean lines, crossed t's... exact dress and manner, she is cool elegance... decorating the deadly. she is official. she's powerful. she's beautiful. make no mistake, she is in control, but alas...she is, ultimatley, unable to keep her head. the only thing she's borrowed from me is a small dot on the hollow at the base of her throat.

elle driver

kill bill was on today. both volumes. on cable, on a saturday afternoon, if you can believe it. it was actually a blessing, as sundays are usually my bluest and longest and bleakest day of the week. so the back-to-back tarantino-fest was a welcome distraction. i'd seen it before, so i could follow it while i worked in my notebook. i love daryl hannah in it. as the eyepatched and confident mercenary elle driver, she kicks ass. yeah, i know, that's a boring and predictable thing to say, but she kicks it, some major ass. and even with the eyepatch, i think she's never looked better. strangely, i identify with elle driver. she's ultimately not as swift as she thinks she is... something i'm always afraid i'll find out about myself, with poisonous, flailing consequences. but i do see myself in elle... like, if i could pull out my id and look at it from across the room, i have a feeling it would look a lot like her. only maybe not blonde. and just for the record, i think she's a damn good actress.

church : jefferson airplane - woodstock? : video

i have to admit i couldn't find a straight answer when it came to the title of the song. some sources say 'saturday afternoon,' some sources say, 'won't you try.' still, let's allow grace and her boys take us to church. amen.

jack and dustin

yeah, i don't have a lot of background information on this shot, but i couldn't resist posting it. i can guess it's 'backstage' at some kind of high-end hollywood function. i think i remember reading that the girl in the shot was on dustin's arm that night. man, i wish i had a time machine and some kind of recording device so i could find out what the hell jack was saying to him. yeah, i'm sure it was most likely something pretty average. but in my mind, i imagine he was giving dustin complicated directions to a wild, psychedelic shindig at (maybe) dean stockwell's place. maybe he's telling him peter tork and grace slick will be there... as well as, of course, mr. dennis hopper. yeah, dennis hopper...that crazy pill-popper... telling a whopper to the copper, that's our good ol' dennis hopper. no matter what's going on, i still dig this shot. and i hope you'll dig it with me. cool.

nailing a lie

wow, i'm going wayyy back for this one. i can't tell you how many years ago i made this one... but i know it was at least ten. it was back in my 'primative days.' those days where i had no control over the color, size, and shade of my images. i scoured countless books and magazines, took what i thought i could use, then ripped into them like fresh kills with my scissors. the final image was assembled with nothing but talent and elmer's glue. and i would guess there was some hot steely dan playing in the background. i don't remember where i got the main model. i have no idea who she is. but even after all this time, i still like this one. there are a lot of things i don't remember from that long ago, but i actually remember putting this one together. i was sitting on the hardwood floor of my old bedroom. so, i hope you dig it. like most of my collages from that era, it really only gained 'meaning' after it was done. and this one has something to do with The Inherent Sin of Knowledge. i guess. or maybe its just about smut. maybe they're both the same thing. i don't know. (click to really enlarge)

good-bye paul

paul newman died today. (well, technically yesterday.) i was a fan. this is one of my favorite pictures of him, standing alongside robert redford, outfitted for the 1969 film 'butch cassidy and the sundance kid.' this may be my second favorite picture of him. my all-time favorite image was a portrait my mate jean-lucien drew a long time ago. he drew paul newman from 'the sting.' the likeness was photographic, right down to the cool life in his legendary blue eyes. since i don't have access to that incredible portrait, i decided to use this one. i have some very personal, special memories associated with 'butch cassidy and the sundance kid.' like the weekend i was dogsitting in a great old house for a friend of mine. i was there all alone. that movie was on. i watched some of it sitting up to my neck in bubbles in an old-fashioned claw-footed cast iron bathtub. it kept me from getting the 'house creeps' too hard. man, the house was way out in the woods. anyway, that's only one of the fond memories i have of the great paul newman. i guess its corny to talk about how much i love the bicycle sequence with katherine ross. oh well, enough said, i suppose. sleep well, paul. you did just about everything right and you looked beautiful doing it. thanks.