Sunday, September 28, 2008

o-ren ishii

yes, both volumes of 'kill bill' were on today, as i've stated below. i'd seen it before, but wow... i was once again blown away by the chicks in that flick. like the lovely and lethal lucy liu as o-ren ishii. if my brother and i are like any of the villians in that film, then i identify with elle driver, (as you can read below) and i see jean-lucien reflected rather keenly in the guise of o-ren ishii. o-ren is ordered, sure, and ready. with clean lines, crossed t's... exact dress and manner, she is cool elegance... decorating the deadly. she is official. she's powerful. she's beautiful. make no mistake, she is in control, but alas...she is, ultimatley, unable to keep her head. the only thing she's borrowed from me is a small dot on the hollow at the base of her throat.

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

I caught Kill Bill 2 on Sunday! So delish.