Sunday, September 28, 2008

nailing a lie

wow, i'm going wayyy back for this one. i can't tell you how many years ago i made this one... but i know it was at least ten. it was back in my 'primative days.' those days where i had no control over the color, size, and shade of my images. i scoured countless books and magazines, took what i thought i could use, then ripped into them like fresh kills with my scissors. the final image was assembled with nothing but talent and elmer's glue. and i would guess there was some hot steely dan playing in the background. i don't remember where i got the main model. i have no idea who she is. but even after all this time, i still like this one. there are a lot of things i don't remember from that long ago, but i actually remember putting this one together. i was sitting on the hardwood floor of my old bedroom. so, i hope you dig it. like most of my collages from that era, it really only gained 'meaning' after it was done. and this one has something to do with The Inherent Sin of Knowledge. i guess. or maybe its just about smut. maybe they're both the same thing. i don't know. (click to really enlarge)

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