Tuesday, September 30, 2008

more 54

i love this shot. it looks like it was just taken a few moments after another studio 54 shot i posted recently. let's see... it looks like we've got the designer halston on the far right, getting a completely anonymous and risky liplock from some disco 'shim' leaning down into the shot. i wonder if he's gonna remember that in the morning? and then, we've got the exotic miss bianca jagger with only two thoughts going through her mind. the first thought: '...damn, where can i get some more coke?' and the very next thought: '...my hair!!' then we've got the facially-challenged artistic ...genius? andy warhol, with a rare smile on his face. perhaps he just realized he could xerox and color-tint his parking valet ticket stub and sell it for a zillion bucks. and in the background is the chronically-happy miss liza minelli with some bearded dude i don't recognize. hey, it looks like an average night for the folks at the good ol' Studio 54. (and i like that heavily-made up, androgynous, robot-like profile intruding from the bottom right hand corner. i wonder where that dude is today?) (...mmm, 'starbucks' general manager.)

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