Sunday, September 28, 2008

elle driver

kill bill was on today. both volumes. on cable, on a saturday afternoon, if you can believe it. it was actually a blessing, as sundays are usually my bluest and longest and bleakest day of the week. so the back-to-back tarantino-fest was a welcome distraction. i'd seen it before, so i could follow it while i worked in my notebook. i love daryl hannah in it. as the eyepatched and confident mercenary elle driver, she kicks ass. yeah, i know, that's a boring and predictable thing to say, but she kicks it, some major ass. and even with the eyepatch, i think she's never looked better. strangely, i identify with elle driver. she's ultimately not as swift as she thinks she is... something i'm always afraid i'll find out about myself, with poisonous, flailing consequences. but i do see myself in elle... like, if i could pull out my id and look at it from across the room, i have a feeling it would look a lot like her. only maybe not blonde. and just for the record, i think she's a damn good actress.

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