Thursday, October 2, 2008

novel reading

ummm, i'm sure i'm going to wake up tomorrow and wonder why i posted this. i think i'm still on a salt-grease-sugar rush from the Wendy's i had for dinner. (several hours ago) i came accross this whilst pearldiving and i thought it might be worth a laugh. first of all, the title more or less lets you know what kind of book you're in for. and the photo is hilarious. do you think that chick on the right could move her hand just a little closer to that dude's jock? i dunno, when i look at this cover, the 'three's company' theme starts involuntarily playing in my brain. ( '...come and knock on our door...take a step that is new...' ) the one on the left looks like karen allen. and the guy looks like every other 'macho' turkey from the great, glittery decade. my mother was a stewardess, by the way, in the late 60's. but i don't remember her ever telling me about any kind of 'mile high' goings-on. and she looked a lot cuter in her uniform than these two chicks do. my mom was the prettiest in her class. (fly on, pretty mommy. i love you.)

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

I bet this novel is neither "erotic" nor "hilarious."