Friday, October 3, 2008

paperback smut

i love paperback book covers. my mates and i know those bygone joys of prowling through the wild stacks at the second-hand run-down smut establishment, 'atlas book exchange.' and thanks to this wild machine, thousands upon thousands of book covers can be had for the diving. i love this one. i love the colors, and the artwork is actually quite good. and the chick is cleavage-sexy in her black bustier. and the copy on the front is hilarious. since the print is faint and small, i'll quote it here. it says: '...the doctor knew all about women and he solved their sex problems in a most unique manner. his beautiful receptionist also had a problem - Lesbianism.' mmm, i don't know too many lesbians who would see that as much of a problem. i can just see k. d. lang on the couch now. kd: "...i don't know what's wrong with me, doctor... i just keep diving into chick-flesh. you've got to help me...!" yeah, i think most of them are pretty cool with it. and i think its funny because the whole thing seems to suggest that he's planning on screwing her, and then she'll like, 'snap out of it,' her desire for late 60's lady-action. like, only a 'real man' can turn her around. hilarious.

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