Saturday, July 25, 2009

seriously, i'm straight...

yes, as you can see from this post, and the luscious post below, i'm a straight girl who loves-loves-loves chicks in bathing suits from the 1970's. i love the way they tie in the back, with those neat little knots and loops. personally, i haven't worn a bikini since i was like, 15, maybe... but i remember fastening them, undoing them. (on myself, of course... ha-ha.) is it just me, or do they not 'make chicks like that anymore?' it doesn't seem like they do. i was in a store the other day, and at least half of the 'mix-and-match' bathing suit racks were like, weird. all the bottoms were 'shorts-shaped.' like, they weren't 'panty-shaped.' i don't know if that's just like, the 'style' or not. you know, i'm not like, 'lesbo' or anything like that... but i can't remember the last time my head turned at the sight of a MAN in a bathing suit. like, '...hey, there's a dude in long trunks.' who cares? give me the chicks, man. those tropical-popsicle, cherry-scented tan-line, cantaloupe-lip-gloss chicks at the side of the aquamarine city pool. laid back, lazy, glistening, glamorous... listening to the casey kasem countdown... sipping icy tumblers of cheerwine. mmm, sexy.

i'm straight, really...

yeah, if someone were to go through my 'planet' posts with a fine-tooth comb, no doubt they'd think i was a full-out lesbo. but i'm not, really. i swear. truly, i'm not a lesbo. okay, i'm maybe like, 35% lesbo... but i've almost never acted on it. still, its summer... and that means its bikini season. and there were never any bikinis as hot as the bikinis that were in style through the sexy 1970's. so, i can't remember where i found this tableau... but i love it. i love all the summer-tangerine-cherry-fied colors, i love the way they the suits fit. i love the salt-kissed long hair. i actually have two pictures like this... i think i might have to post both of them. it just makes me think of warm towels on the sand, the scent of coconut oil in the air, the sound of FM radio playing from some one-speaker battery operated tape deck. (something like, 'reelin' in the years' or 'baker street.') beautiful stuff.


hey, if you're looking for mind-blowing content tonight, then i hate to disappoint you. tonight, i'm just gonna post some groovy stuff, and tell you what i think about it! being a curvy girl, you'd think i'd shun the likes of leslie hornby, aka twiggy. but i have to admit, i think she's gorgeous and groovy. so she happens to be skinny, so what? i'm not gonna 'hate on her' for that. she's still around, and if you've seen her lately, you might've realized she's a smart cookie with a level head, who just happened to be in the right place, at the right time, with THE right look. and she managed to never get that 'skank' chic thing going like her modern 'counterpart' kate moss. here she is, in a gorgeous aubrey beardsley-inspired photo shoot, with another model i don't recognize. (twiggy's on the left.) i love the costumes, the posing, the framing, ... i like everything about it. and hey, i would actually wear that. yes, i actually would. so dig it, the sleek chic.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

lui lui

mmm, you know i love those vintage magazine covers. now, i think its safe to say that i've never had a copy of 'lui' in my hands, but it looks pretty groovy to me. hey, a swinging chick, a naked knee, a slice of cool watermelon... yum. i'm pretty tired, so i don't have too much to say about this, but i wanted to get at least one entry down for the night. i think i understand enough french to think it says its the magazine 'for modern man.' i hope i have something more meaningful to post in the next couple of days. until then, dig it.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

sexy miss boulting

miss ingrid boulting, ladies and gentlemen. hers was one of the most striking faces seen on the screen and on magazine covers through the 1970's. she had a considerable part in the 'ehhh' robert de niro movie 'the last tycoon.' but i first saw her on the cover of Seventeen magazine... back when Seventeen magazine was big and packed with groovy 70's styles and attitudes. i was lucky enough to run across this marvelous shot whilst pearldiving the other night. and hey, as luck would have it, its on the cover of 'penthouse!' now, its been well-established that i was an avid reader of Penthouse as a young girl, but i don't remember ever having this issue. its very possible that we did have this issue, but that the cover was missing. we had a lot of coverless issues back then. now, when i found it, (this shot) the color was all garish and over-exposed, and i did my best to trick it down to how i believe it orginally looked. i love everything about this shot. i love her doll-like expression, i love the flapperish makeup job, i love the fresh fruit, and you KNOW i love the silky nightie and flower-enhanced little bonnet. her vapid expression shows off her features strikingly. hey, miss boulting, wherever you are tonight... know that you have fans over here at 'planetcool.' (click to enlarge)