Saturday, July 25, 2009


hey, if you're looking for mind-blowing content tonight, then i hate to disappoint you. tonight, i'm just gonna post some groovy stuff, and tell you what i think about it! being a curvy girl, you'd think i'd shun the likes of leslie hornby, aka twiggy. but i have to admit, i think she's gorgeous and groovy. so she happens to be skinny, so what? i'm not gonna 'hate on her' for that. she's still around, and if you've seen her lately, you might've realized she's a smart cookie with a level head, who just happened to be in the right place, at the right time, with THE right look. and she managed to never get that 'skank' chic thing going like her modern 'counterpart' kate moss. here she is, in a gorgeous aubrey beardsley-inspired photo shoot, with another model i don't recognize. (twiggy's on the left.) i love the costumes, the posing, the framing, ... i like everything about it. and hey, i would actually wear that. yes, i actually would. so dig it, the sleek chic.

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