Friday, October 16, 2009

playing secretary

yes, the sweet, sweet pages of 'playboy.' i happen to be quite well-read when it comes to vintage issues of the magazine. (from say, 1070 to 1984) this cover stands out to me because it was one of the first ones i remember reading. i think i was about nine when i snagged this issue from my father's collection. i loved garters and stockings as much then as i do now. not to mention the white laciness showcasing her hot rear... and those strappy high-heeled shoes...? sex-ee! i like the little 'feature blurbs' on the cover of this one. in particular, the one that says, " the bee gees got to be so big." ummm, let me guess, you turn to page 117 and it simply says, "...'cause they sound real good." end of story. and i also like that one about " men NEED to cheat on their women? a new science says YES!" mmm, somehow i think this article was 'accidentally' left out, open, for many a wife to happen upon and read. and finally, as many of you probably know, almost every 'playboy' cover had a little 'bunny' artfully concealed somewhere on the cover. and i realize its difficult to see after i shocked up the contrast, but the 'bunny' on this cover was actually represented by the 'two-eared' shape of the ivory ribbon on the lady's garter stud. dig it, the sexiness. (click to enlarge)

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