Monday, August 10, 2009


okay, this is just for fun... like 'comic strip,' of sorts. i found the picture, then i found myself 'captioning' it. hey, i have great respect for liza. she's a firecracker. but the whole studio 54 thing, i find it all very fascinating. like, if you wanted to get a picture of two people who'd never under any circumstances be in a photograph together, then all you had to do was get them inside of studio 54, and -snap!- you've got your photo. like, for instance... do you want a photo of Divine and Tatum O'Neal...? no problem, just get them inside that club. what's that you say? you want a candid pic of Normal Mailer, Liz Taylor, Jacques Cousteu, and an anonymous 'almost-nude-dude?' just get them inside those doors. so hey, here's my little '54'-fied comic strip.

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