Sunday, August 9, 2009

1980's video boxes!

yeah, who can forget all those hours in the 80's, spent browsing all the dusty shelves of various video stores. and hey, i'm NOT talking about Blockbuster. i'm talking about all those local, independently owned video outlets... like High Point Mall's 'Candid Camera'... and the unforgettable 'Club Vid' accross that came around in the mid to late 80's. and 'Action Video,' which was slightly more well-known through the Carolina area. there was also that one place... the one out past the roll-a-rink, the one that had the popcorn machine, and the irresistible '5 for 5' deal. was it like, 'VideoAdventures?' man, i can't remember. and when we lived in Georgia, there was something called 'Turtle Video,' I think. and in the 'realms of my own mind,' there's the ever popular (albiet fictional) 'Wildcat Video.' ...and what was the one near the Kroger? was that an Action Video also? anyway, it was always my opinion that the more independently owned a place was, the more unusual and varied the coverboxes were bound to be. Beta, VHS... i must've read a thousand and one 'backs' of clamshells and sleeves. here's just one i remember. i can feel it in my hands... christ, i can almost smell it. dig it.


variable hamster said...

i'm amazed that some of those stores persist to this day in that part of the country. like that adult bookstore on main street at the edge of town. i mean, who still goes there when there's the internet? ewwww.

lucynell2 said...

Video Adventures was the one out on North Main. I used to practically live there. I was there at least three times a week. And i think Action Video was the one at Kroger.

And OMG, thank you for reminding me of Candid Camera! I made my mom spend a ton of money there for a video cassette of a SNL with Steve Martin as host. I think it was like, 80 dollars and they had to special order it. It was for my birthday. I swear I've never been more excited. I still have it. It's seriously useless now. It has the big heavy plastic casing that's really hard to open. I think I used to rent Police Around the World from there, too. That was an early docu about The Police's late seventies world tour where they went to like, Egypt and stuff. Man, those were the days.

lucynell2 said...

Also, I think Candid Camera had this kind of expensive membership fee. I wish I had pictures of that High Point mall. I spent so much time at that record/magazine store there. Was that Gerry's?

And there was some kind of little soda/candy shop there, too. And a Revco I believe or an Eckerds.