Saturday, January 10, 2009

mia and dustin make up

yes, yet another shot of young mia and dustin. i really should like, 'break down,' find out what movie this was that they were both in, and like, get my hands on it, viewing-wise. i mean, i think this might be the third picture i've posted of them in these same costumes, on the set of whatever it was. i dig this one... like, not only do they both look real cute, (i love that lacy peter pan collar mia has on) but its obviously a shot gotten between takes. its funny, how the diva, miss dustin, lies back whilst some stagehand dusts his young visage with dainty powder; whilst mia takes the almighty puff into her own hands, and takes care of the shine herself. i think they both look great. for some reason, my weirdo-mental-long-distance-time-traveling-telepathy is telling me those two never really had a 'behind-the-scenes' physical thing going on. i just don't get the feeling they played around. i mean, mia was dating-and-or-married- to 'the chairman of the board' at that point, so i don't think she had the inclination to dip her toes in other waters. but hey, i could be wrong. i mean, she was married, not dead. (mmm, what in the hell am i talking about?) in any case, dig it. (click to enlarge)

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