Wednesday, February 4, 2009

the who explodes

hey lovers. i haven't posted in the last couple of nights. well, my days and nights just haven't gone that way. and i had a stressful day today, too. so um, i hope all of you are doing groovily. man, we just got like, five more inches of snow up here! like, there was still almost five inches permafrozen on my back deck from when it 'snowed big' the last time! oh well, i guess my mood is alright. but since i had some stress earlier, i thought i'd post this groovy picture of the late 60's 'who,' ...i think they might be on the smothers brothers or something, taking out their stress and agression by destroying their instruments. i love you all, and hope to have less stress tomorrow. (i almost spelled that, 'less stree...' yeah, i hope i have less 'stree' too, whatever that is.)

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