Saturday, June 6, 2009

leon ala lyndon

i threw in my dvd copy of 'barry lyndon' a couple of nights ago and got some really marvelous shots. including this one of the vengeful young lord bullingdon. here we see him, cane in hand, ire rising in his pale throat, as he strolls through the salon, in search of his much despised stepfather, played by ryan o'neal. you won't recognize the actor's name. he is leon vitali. a very talented chap in my opinion, that apparently almost never stepped in front of the camera after 1977. he did, however, become quite close to The Man Himself, mr. stanley kubrick. after some minimal research, i discovered this curious fact: on certain projects such as 'full metal jacket,' 'the shining,' and 'eyes wide shut,' mr. vitali enjoyed the somewhat-eyebrow-raising credit of 'personal assitant to the director.' hey, that sounds like a heck of a sweet gig to me. so i hope you dig the screen capture. this duel scene between bullingdon and redmond barry is one of the film's most wrenching scenes. visceral, yet astonishingly lovely. (click to enlarge)

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