Tuesday, June 9, 2009


yes, it never gets old. i mean, hey... i just watched it less than 48 hours ago, and i'm ready to watch it again. don't tell me you're not in the mood to watch it! hell, you don't even have to actually 'watch' it. like, you could just pop the tape or the disc in, anchor a black t-shirt over the screen to block out the light, leave the volume on, close your eyes, and just lay down and drift away, digging on the dialogue! hey, you're almost 100% guaranteed not to have bad dreams. so um, here's the title frame from the opening sequence, when sandy's doing her '....mee-me-meeee...!' vocal exercises. hey, just know i love you the most.
p.s. ( '...mom! dad! uncle pete! come quick!! ...something's wrong with biscuit, i think he's dead...!!')

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

'...mom! dad! uncle pete! come quick!! ...something's wrong with biscuit, i think he's dead...!!')

Yet another fucking hilarious line from this film. Every moment of this film in solid gold.