Monday, July 6, 2009

september chicks

...are the loveliest chicks in the world. i know i may be biased; being a semptember chick myself. but let's face the facts about september chicks: they're not too hot, they're not too cold... they have a flair for the dramatic as well as the playfully comic. they are well-read, and therefore, they 'know what it's all about.' so cheer with me, september chicks... you virgos and a few of you... libras is it? let's show some skin and quote some twain and whitman and london... ! let's prove to these boys, (these boys apt to boorish behavior) that we are, at the very core, ladies. (click to enlarge) by the way, i was only 11 when this issue hit the stands... but i was no stranger to Penthouse even then. god bless america.

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