Sunday, August 2, 2009

shameless john and cat pic

yes, it's shameless... a very cute shot of john lennon, shnuggling with a precious siamese kit who is undeniably very dead now. perhaps the lithe and lovely animal is comforting john now, where ever he is, if you know what i mean. i like this shot because the cat doesn't know john's famous... like, its just showing its nuzzling cat love because it loves john's human-ness, just as it is. the puss doesn't know he's 'mr. hard days' night,' all she knows is he's gentle, and smells good, and knows how to rub her black-and-tan fur the 'right way.' she doesn't know anything about ed sullivan or george martin or throngs of screaming teenage girls... she just knows john is there, john is engaged, john has positive vibes coming off... and john seems to love her back. cats and beatles, beatles and cats... two things i've been in love with ever since i was old enough to listen and feel. groovy. (click to somewhat enlarge)