Sunday, October 25, 2009

pets allowed

hey, just recently, a good friend was kind enough to say she thought 'planetcool' was the 'home of sexy.' i couldn't be more flattered. that encourages me to 'keep the sexy coming,' you know? so, here's what i have for you tonight. i didn't have to dig too deep to find this gauzy 70's doll. i know the image is less than perfect. it was obviously scanned from a magazine cover that was like, 30 years old. but it's just the kind of 'cake' i like, you know? she's brunette, all bohemian, and all willing to show her 'cookies,' for lack of a better term. with her black lacy bra pulled down, we can see her pretty all-natural jewels. smallish, but beautiful. like i said, i wish this was a better-quality scan, but hey... you can see what i'm talking about. dreamy.

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

Oh my God, I love her