Tuesday, February 9, 2010

fashion chicks

hey, who else remembers all those groovy old pattern illustrations from the 1970's and early 80's? hey, i do. my mom used to have two of these huge hardcover books full of barbie-sized illustrations that graced the fronts of the pattern pouches you bought at like, the fabric store or whatever. i'd love to have known some of those illustrators names, 'cause some of them were totally groovy. here's a few chicks to show you the kinds of drawings i'm talking about. i love the disco-ish faces and the wispy, fine lines. man, i wish is still had those books. they were the coolest. i can't believe they ever left the house without us knowing about it... because i know i would never have knowingly sold them or given them away.

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

I want that dress on the right.