Friday, February 26, 2010

kinky shoes!

man, i think the word 'kinky' is weird. i mean, if something comes naturally... excites you naturally, then its really not 'kinky' for you. like, hey.... to some people, a threesome is kinky... i personally don't find it to be so. i realize some of my own little... triggers, would be thought of as kinky... perhaps even dirty, to some people. hey, you all know what i'm trying to say. all that said, i find the concept of 'kinky shoes' kind of amusing. i mean, apart from the fact that you can 'have-them-on-during-the-act,' then really, how prominently do shoes fit into 'the act?' i mean, i guess you could... DO stuff with-or-to the shoes, but i would bet that's pretty rare. me? i just like to 'dig on' them, ... on an aesthetic level. so hey, be kinky if you dare, and dig on these cool kinky shoes with me!

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