Wednesday, May 21, 2008

hot fox

...sounds like a radio station, doesn't it? '...107; hot fox!' yes, i missed another notable birthday here on the 'planet' recently. english actor james fox turned 69 hot years old on may 19th. here he is pictured as chaz from roeg's masterpiece of psychedelia 'performance.' james plays a cocky english gangster forced to go underground due to a ...queer set of circumstances. i can't praise the movie enough. james fox is so engaging and handsome that at times he even upstages mick jagger. jean-lucien sharpshot this frame, which features the slightly-scarred chaz freshly washed and 'un-dyed.' in other words, 'this is the normal.' of course, normal is relative, as the brilliant film keenly illustrates. if you haven't seen it, go do so... if you dare! some people out there have actually told me they don't 'get it,' if you can believe that.

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