Friday, May 23, 2008

forgotten birthday

yes, i admit it. i was so engulfed in my own life yesterday that i totally and utterly forgot the birthday of the one and only legendary steven patrick morrissey. anyone that knows me knows i would never have willingly forgotten. i could lie and say i really remembered, but just didn't acknowledge it, but i admit it, i flatly forgot. morrissey turned a gorgeous 49 years old on may 22nd. i send him ardent kisses and tremendous thanks. his contribution to my life is probably impossible to measure. i remember one christmas when my brother and i were about 12 years old, the main thing we wanted was a copy of the smith's 'meat is murder.' we got it, on cassette, along with a stereo. we opened it on christmas eve and played 'how soon is now?' to our mother's slight dismay. it was the christmas where boys and poetic ideas had at last (almost) eclipsed barbie dolls and bath beads. (actually, i'd love a barbie and some bath beads even now.) still, i apologize to morrissey for having forgotten. i wish him health, happiness, prosperity, inspiration, and all the earthly delights he can stand. i love you steven, i always have. (below, please allow morrissey to thrill you with a live television performance of one his best recent songs.)

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