Tuesday, May 13, 2008

le bon appetit

here's a slinky, sexy picture of a very young mr. simon le bon. fans can tell at once, that this is a shot taken from very early on in the days of 'duran.' yes, those days of the rum runner, and songs like 'faster than light,' and of course, their first video. it was an underrated video for an underrated new age-new romantic first single, 'planet earth.' when i hear it, the only thing i hear is pop. pure, cool, inventive, danceable, british pop. almost thirty years later, simon le bon is still doing it. many people don't seem to recognize they've lasted longer than the beatles, led zeppelin, and well... a lot of other bands that seem to get more glory. don't get me wrong, the beatles and zeppelin deserve their glory... and in my opinion, Duran Duran deserves some glory too. so here's simon le bon in the beginning. (and yes, that's his real name.)

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