Friday, May 16, 2008


ahhh, anything goes tonight, right? so jean-lucien will recognize i'm going wayyyy back for this one. yes, its a shot of ronan vibert from the cult hit 'the shadow of the vampire,' in his stunning role as the tormented photographer wolf muller. the devotion to his craft can clearly be seen as he trembles on the ground with a little pale make-up on his face. pardon me for being sarcastic, i mean, i love ronan vibert as much as the next guy, but his acting in this flick seems to range from 'slight smirking' to 'pale trembling.' then he sort of disappears. i think we're supposed to assume john malkovich fed him to willen dafoe. then cary elwes shows up to mystify us further with his weird smiles and breathless, forced german accent. still, its a wonderful film, you should check it out.

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