Wednesday, May 28, 2008

wedded bliss

i don't think i've posted this yet. its a still frame i managed to shoot from the ken russell masterpiece 'women in love.' near the start of the movie, the young bride... (i think the character's name is laura lupton, and presumably, i have to credit d.h. lawrence for that.) ...rushes from her carriage towards the church, in a vain and playful attempt not to be seen by her soon-to-be-husband before the vows can be officially exchanged. they share a veiled hearfelt kiss... which arguably seals their fate. i should be able to come up with the actress's name. ummm, its sharon gurney. i love the motion i managed to get with this shot. i managed to catch her smile and at least one of the trailing ivory ribbons. i love this movie. the costumes are so damned good they're almost a character all by themselves.

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