Saturday, June 28, 2008

dog days

i'm busy diving and tricking and keeping track of my accidental cat, so i really don't have my attention focused in the way that i'd like, but i wanted to at least post something, so i figured why not settle on mr. al pacino from the 1975 sidney lumet classic, 'dog day afternoon.' i must have some kind of twisted fetish for bank jobs, cinematically, because i always end up digging on them in a very hot, particular way. oh well, confessions aside, tonight i found this gorgeous shot of al pacino as the flamboyant and confused protaganist sonny wortzik. look at those eyes...! sometimes his pale prettiness just strikes me... i really should dig this movie up and watch it that proverbial 'one more time.' anyway, dig it. (click to really enlarge.)

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