Wednesday, August 13, 2008

b is for bitchslapped

hello lovers. i don't feel like i have a lot of energy tonight, but i figured i could add a bit more onto my wild psychedelic alphabet. i was clawing my way through some really old files, like two-rooms-ago, and i found this hilarious 'cartoon' jean-lucien made a couple years back. and since i've been rolling 'rope' a lot lately, i thought i'd post it. anyone who knows the movie will recognize farley granger as 'phillip' on the left, (getting slapped) and bitchy john dall on the right. (doing the slapping.) the two of them have a pretty strange relationship in the movie... are they roommates or what? its never made clear. but they seem to do everything together... drinking, smoking, entertaining, driving-up-to-the-country... and murder. and i hear on the weekends they play nightclub gigs as a new-wave shock duo called 'the chicken stranglers.'

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