Tuesday, August 12, 2008

a is for science officer ash

yes, ohhh yes... i haven't posted a shot of my darling ian holm lately. i searched my archives, and i don't think i've posted this exact shot yet. i mean, i think i have one a few frames off of this one, but his face does so many tiny and lovely things, it think it's like every frame is completely different. i can't decide which costume i like better on ash... his sky-blue white thermal-sleeve outfit, or the emerald green zip-up snug flightsuit? (shown) he looks so hot in both of them. i love this shot... he looks a little worried. perhaps he's wondering if his scheme will be a success? who knows. anyway, i realize some of you out there may not 'get' what's so damned hot and handsome about him, but what the hell... this is MY little station after all. hey ian... call me! (cut to quick shot of me like, winking saucily as i make a 'phone-up-to-my-ear' gesture with my hand.) CUT.

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