Tuesday, October 7, 2008

ride, julie, ride!

um, yeah i really don't feel like i need to say much about this one. i mean, i think the hilarity speaks for itself. i mean, who rides a motorcyle in an ugly bathing suit? and what's with the helmet? i mean, yeah, knowing if you wipe out on a motorcycle doing like, 75 miles an hour, you need to be concerned about head injuries. yeah, you can wisely not worry about massive, shredding injury to your 'bathing-suit-nude legs' that leaves them looking like a plate of spaghetti and meatballs. and the full face of make-up will ensure you look your best when they pull your torso out from the gears of a tractor-trailer truck. i have no idea if this idiotic pose was some kind of promotion for some movie... like, i don't remember her making any movie with a slew of 'biker gang' scenes. in bathing suits. hey, you all know i love julie, but i still dig being totally unclear about this one.

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

for some reason Julie Andrews in a bathing suit is disconcerting to me, let alone when she's perched awkwardly on a motorcycle. This pic may have been taken earlier in her career when she had less control over her photo ops.