Friday, January 9, 2009

playboy francais

umm, do 'the french' have a problem with big boobs or something? i mean, apparently this is a real cover from a real french copy of french playboy, and the chick they chose to grace the cover looks like a slightly-airbrushed patti smith. i mean, don't get me wrong, she's slinky and dark and kind of sensual and all that, but man... i have male cousins with chests that flat. its a great photograph... like, she's got kind of a jane birkin thing going on. but i can't help thinking she'd be a much bigger turn-on if she was like, guilty of eating a cheeseburger and milkshake, calories-wise. apparently the chick's name is lou doillon. never heard of her. maybe she's the 'french milla' or something, i don't know. but hey, give me the curvy, playful, mid-70's american girls any day. they may be out of style, but i'll bet they feel a lot better, to the touch. still, she's slinky, so um... i give her a full ten points on the 'slinky scale.' (click to enlarge)


lucynell2 said...

She's Jane Birkin's daughter!

almadora said...

wow, you're right. i don't know how i missed that. you're sharp, lucynell. that's why i love you! (mmm, like that's the only reason.)