Wednesday, May 6, 2009


yes, i stumbled upon this shot of depeche mode a couple of nights ago. great damn band. seriously, even with all the acclaim they've gotten over the years, i still think they're underrated. i think they are (were) as close to perfect as any synth-based band from that era. always sounding original, cool, fresh, and relevant, depeche mode almost never... and i mean literally never, awaken in me the '...turn it off,' reflex. they were possibly the best of 'that flavor' of music. i can't kiss dave gahan's artistic leather-clad 'bompin'' ass enough... his vocals are brave and faultless. so... with all that said, how hilarious is this shot?? man, hey its like, '...gentlemen, can i see some ID before i sell you these wine coolers?' man, they almost look young enough to babysit. it really makes you realize how long they've been in this game, you know? i mean, dig martin gore, (third from the left) ... he doesn't look like he's even got any 'grass on the south field' yet, if you know what i mean. dave's already a budding cutie. but still looks like he'd have to let a friend sneak him in through the exit door if he wanted to get into an NC-17 rated movie. man... time really is a strange thing, isn't it? strange... and hilarious.

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