Thursday, May 7, 2009

sorry i missed your birthday rudolph

yes, most people who know me know how i feel about rudolph valentino. he's sort of like, a patron saint of raw talent, natural physical gifts, and extraordinary good luck. he was one of the very first international stars of motion pictures, and arguably, was more famous at his peak than even the president of the united states. yes, before there was the beatles, before there was mick jagger or even ricky nelson, there was rudolph valentino. his career in american films was a blur of good pictures and not-so-good ones; of tedious typecasting; of his passive partnership with natacha rambova; ... and ultimately, his mystifying death at the age of 31. (reportedly an infection after a minor surgery.) so umm, i wish i was more like, 'awake,' so i could give rudolph the tribute he deserves... but i've been up for almost 24 hours. so, dig the picture, wish The Sheik a happy 114th, and thank him for like, paving the way for all the future pop idols... all the boy georges, the nick rhodes's and simon le bons. oh, and i purposefully chose a shot of his tom tierney paper doll book because, for better or worse, that was what he was... at least that's what he was to the studios and producers... who seemingly cranked rudy out in every single costume they could think of... no matter how flimsy the script. (kind of like if johnny depp had been around then, and had had bad writers and a less than adept manager.) in closing rudy... tonight you can wear whatever you want. i'll take you as you are, from skins to sequins... devotedly, eveywhere in between. i blow you a kiss. sleep well. and sweet dreams. (click to enlarge)

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