Saturday, September 19, 2009

...and now for something completely kinky

mmm, what would 'monty python' be without their sexy 'sister chick,' the statuesque and stunning miss carol cleveland? va-vooom! she's got the curves where it counts, and the talent to make us laugh out loud. with qualifications like that, she could be one of the sexiest women of the 70's. or indeed, of any decade. who could fill her shoes in the 'vocational guidance counselor' skit? nobody, that's who! she rocked some frosted white lipstick... she deliciously filled out a corset or bikini... and was so 'game,' no matter what the writing called for, i've never heard of her complaining. we should all be so lucky; to have a Band of Brothers like Idle, Jones, Cleese, Gilliam, Palin, and Chapman. (did i leave one out?) (click to enlarge)

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