Saturday, September 19, 2009

true clews

when people ask me, '...who's your favorite artist?' i have one response: jean-lucien. here's one of his recent pieces i'm proud to say i had a hand in. it's a cool melding of both our interests, influences, techniques, and tastes. wow... its hard to actually write about this stuff. for so long, these pictoral paintings have existed between jean-luc and i...and the language, the telepathic shorthand we invariably use when discussing our work, is surprisingly tricky to translate. so... (deep breath) let me just say that jean-lucien and i both hope that you think our pieces as groovy as WE think they are. it would take me too long to account for all the hundreds of little scissor cuts and thousands of individual artistic decisions that are considered in the making of a collage no bigger than a playing card. um... i could spend a lot of keystrokes documenting where all the clippings came from, and what they 'mean' when assembled... but i think its best i leave THAT office of Art up to the Observer. there will be more 'jean-lucien/almadora' works featured in the very near future. until then, we welcome (and indeed thirst for) any manner of feedback. and thank you for your attention. (and hey, jean-luc... does this one have a title yet?) (click to enlarge)

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