Saturday, September 12, 2009

more georgina

yes, thanks to the quick spearfishing of jean-lucien, i have a brand new silky shot of miss georgina hale to share with you. here she is, as phillipe, in ken russell's masterpiece, 'the devils.' wow. could she BE any more beautiful, i ask you? in this scene, she is gleefully witnessing the 'burning-at-the-stake-style' execution of her ex-lover. left pregnant and alone, she went on to bear her bastard child. she was also witness in the gallery as he was brought up on charges of witchcraft and heresy. she laughed and drank from silvery goblets as his flesh burned and sizzled. what becomes of phillipe and and her child are never expressed in 'the devils.' but her impact on the storyline cannot be understated. she, along with a lovesick, swooning, hunchbacked nun (played by vanessa redgrave) brought father grandier (oliver reed) to the men who would ensure to his destruction. you can never have too much georgina, ladies and gentlemen. she is criminally underrated as an actress. (at least in this country.) but i for one, will never pass up an opportunity to sing her praises. sigh. (click to enlarge)

1 comment:

jean-lucien said...

you know, i love georgina blonde-as-per-usual, because it's the natural "her". with that said, i dont know if ive ever seen her lovlier than in this film.
looooove the white makeup.