Monday, September 7, 2009

happy birthday elia kazan

okay, once again, i admit i don't know too much about elia kazan, the Man... but i DO know that he directed what may very well be my favorite black and white movie. and i noticed that today, mr. kazan would've turned 99 years old. he was also responsible for 'on the waterfront,' and some other stuff... forgive me, i don't feel like looking it up right now i've seen 'waterfront,' and i've seen 'babydoll,' and i have to say, i think 'babydoll' is the better picture. now, i can already hear people criticizing that stand... but i stand by it. i think 'babydoll' broke spooky, sexy new ground in cinema. i realize it was probably made with the intention of being sexy, but i'm not sure if the surreal spookiness was accidental, or if some ghosts just assisted with the final cut like, 'ghost in the machine'-wise... but there's certainly something witchy going on in that flick. even the sound is spooky, disjointed, and unexpectedly surreal. i'll never be able to reccommend this movie strongly enough; but at the same time, i DO realize that 'babydoll' is an acquired taste... like collard greens and vinegar; like homemade biscuits and liver pudding... like stove-stewed oatmeal, whole milk, rich butter, and brown sugar, 'babydoll' is a slumming indulgence of the highest order. what more can i say...

1 comment:

jean-lucien said...

re: my mom

THAT broad can cook!

thanks to here i know what allllll that food tastes like.