Monday, September 7, 2009

ferry frame

okay, i admit i don't really have a whole lot to say about this screen shot... except that i took it from a very groovy roxy music dvd i got from my partner some time ago. i'm just in the mood to post, so i guess anything goes. its weird, when i watch bryan ferry... i mean, he's incredible, and very 'lovely-to-me-in-the-face,' but... jean-lucien knows as well as i do that certain parts of his face bear an uncanny, even scary resemblance to a certain 'man-in-my-past.' i try not to think about that, about him, when i watch mr. ferry do his very fabulous thing. sometimes i'm able to turn it into a bizarro form of revenge. like, i watch bryan ferry, and enjoy his hot looks, knowing i would NEVER now entertain the other guy's looks, despite the similarities. like, the other guy can only wish he was as cool and flash and talented and sexy as bryan ferry. so yeah, i took this shot a long time ago from a 'deev,' and i think the tricking turned out alright. i think he was wailing out the marvelous 'roxy' song, 'do the strand' on some kind of tv program. man, he IS super-cool. (click to enlarge)

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