Tuesday, November 17, 2009

suspiria creaps

okay, for the next several days, you guys are gonna have to give me some slack. i'm working with a whole new operating system. i'm still trying to learn it... like driving a car with a foreign shift. BEN: "...do you know how to work a foreign shift...?" (2-3-4... mrs. robinson shakes her head) "...you don't...?" so i'm more or less still practicing... in other words, please take all posts and typos easily... some of the posts may not seem marvelously relevant, and some of the typing skills may not be a hundred percent... but, as pete townshend says, i gotta 'keep on working.' so, recently, i was fortunate enough to enjoy a 'gratis' rolling of 'suspiria.' online, i found a few shots from the visually arresting flick. i used some of those shots to practice my new photo-trick program on... here is one slide, re: the juicy results. i hope you dig it. that's the starlet, jessica harper on the right... i'm sorry to say i don't know the other actress's name. dig it.

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