Monday, November 16, 2009


okay, its been a little while, but i'm back-with-a-mac, thanks to my angel, lucynell. and here goes a test, and who better to honor lucy than with a rare shot of her fave guy from the fab four. (wait, john is your fave, isn't he?) well, even if he isn't, you'll have to dig this cool shot of him recording. judging by his hair and stuff, i'd guess it was around 'revolver' era. (mmm, i'm not used to typing on a flat keyboard... but hey, i'm getting the hang of it.) well, here goes... let's see if this photo uploads like its supposed to. hey, sweet... it looks like it works! this might be the only thing i post tonight... its been a long day, and i'm pretty tired. its good to be connected again.