Saturday, December 19, 2009

jareth, i think...

okay, its been way too long since i posted anything over here. and, i don't really know if i have the right 'mood on' to do it, but i wanna try... like, the longer i go, the tougher its gonna be. so umm, dig this! it looks like a hand-made rag doll guy based on david bowie's 'jareth' character from the cult hit 'labyrinth.' annnd, i'm really glad the 'dollcrafter' propped it up next to a pack of 'labyrinth' trading cards, otherwise, it might've taken me a LOT longer to figure out who it's supposed to be. its actually pretty cute, like... in its simplicity.

1 comment:

jean-lucien said...

actually, that's a labyrinth blue ray, and i know, because i have one here in front of me. i just read the copy on the box, and believe it or not, it's all too boring to even quote.

wow, okay, for the doll, he ALMOST "reminds me of the babe", the "babe" being sir bowie.