Saturday, December 19, 2009

dorsey worship

i just found this one like, last night. and you know i couldn't resist passing it on. man, i can't believe i don't own a copy of 'tootsie' right now. i don't remember where i found this shot, but its obviously a publicity thing for when the movie came out in 1982. he seems to love her. hey, he's so complicated like, 'method actor'-wise, that maybe he did. in the movie, michael dorsey's character says that he wished she 'looked prettier.' well, i've always thought dorothy was pretty. and apparently i'm not the only one. evidently john van horne and julie's dad 'les' thought she was pretty hot, too. man, i love this movie. and i LOVE that lucynell and jean-lucien love it, too. man, i love you guys. and ps: "...can i borrow...that little yellow outfit...?" hey, you know she's talking about "...da Hawlston...??" (click to enlarge)

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

we watched Tootsie Wednesday night! The whole thing.