Friday, February 26, 2010

make-up kits!

hey ladies and glam men.... who doesn't dig a glorious make-up kit? for about three years in my early teens, we always could count on getting some kind of make-up kit for christmas and-or our birthday. i didn't care what 'brand' they came from... because they were usually seasonal 'one ofs,' you know? and the shades were in oddly shallow tins... i cannot count how many times i fell in love with a particular eye shadow or lip gloss, and had to deal with the grim reality that i couldn't just go back to the drugstore for a 'refill.' no, they were often free gifts accompanying a perfume purchase... or just bought off the seasonal racks. i loved the ones that came with groovy lipbrushes and applicators. man, i wish someone would realize how much i'd appreciate getting one of these as a gift, even today. dig it.


jean-lucien said...

mmm, that's my glamourous girly dora. watching you do your face is "the best part" of having you sleepover.

( the top two)

lucynell2 said...

I love these make up kits so much!!!!! Paige and I bought so many of these. We SHARED them sometimes. Haha.