Saturday, November 5, 2011

groovy 'jelica huston

okay, it's been a lonnng damn time since i've been over here. ( yeah, too damn long, i hear ya... ) so all my thousands of followers, be patient with me whilst i get my snarky-ass blog-legs back. so, i promised a dear friend that i'd try to do at least one entry a night. so to welcome you back, i chose this very groovy shot of a young anjelica huston. hey, wild jack nicholson 'hit that.' and he's got good taste. she's the slinkiest! and let's hear it for her 'love to hate her' performance in 'crimes and misdemeanors.' well, i guess you more pity her than hate her. man, being back here makes me realize how much it sucks on Fb that you can't use those ga-roovy italics...!!!

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